We are a Community of Women who support and spur each others on to get out of our comfort zone and get free in the World through Sports in Nature
Set Your Sails: Brehat (FR)
Set Your Sails: Brehat (FR)

Set Your Sails: Brehat (FR)

This first weekend, just after the start of the school year, was perfect for setting off and giving ourselves new horizons for the New Year!

Friday 1st – Leave the harbor 

From Paris, Barcelona, ​​Milan, the 11 girls met on Friday at noon. After a quick picnic and delicious Breton pancakes in the port of Paimpol, we discovered the sailing school at Loguivy de La Mer. After the Breton drizzle at midday, this sunny little cove motivated us to go out on the water!

For most of us, it was our first time on a sailing boat. A form of excitement mixed with a few apprehensions: about the temperature of the water, the force of the wind, the wet suit, or just the ability to pilot these little racing cars. Our instructor Florent was a great teacher: after presenting us with the different names of the parts of the sailboat (a whole lot of vocabulary!) We rigged the catamarans and set off on the water.

Throughout the session, the girls were smiling from ear to ear. The sliding sensations are intoxicating, invigorating, almost addictive to the point that neither of us wanted to land!

The island of Bréhat, famous for its pink rocks, its flowers, and its small stone houses. After the meal, we were guided by Marine, for an opening night this weekend: a circle of speaking, sincere and deep, like many of us, had never experienced.

Saturday – New destinations

Gently awakened by the Hatha yoga session led by Marie, we set off to explore the wild coast of the island on a hike. In the afternoon, marine gave us transformative experiences through two coaching workshops.

On the first one, we sat down and looked into each other’s eyes for about fifteen minutes: it’s crazy what you find out when you really look at each other!

The second workshop – the vision board – invited us, after a nice meditation, to visualize our future by making a collage painting. Long live the creativity and the power of images!

In the evening, we fell asleep to the sound of Tibetan bowls.

Sunday – Choose your path

From dawn, Marie energized us with her power yoga class.

Perfect for the botanical walk that followed: discovery of plants and their health benefits. Nettle, brambles, or wild garlic have no secrets for us, next time we will learn how to cook them.

In the afternoon we left the island under the sun, delighted with our new encounters and boosted for the year by this crazy weekend!

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